Twitter is a service of the Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street Dublin 2, D02 AX07, Ireland
Facebook / Instagram are services of Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland
Usage purposes
We sometimes use sources of social media platforms such as z.B.Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.In the case of embedded sources and contributions, content is made available by these social media platforms.After loading your content, these platforms have the option of collecting and saving information about you.
What data are processed
Your IP address and non-personal data are recorded.
Memory duration
Unfortunately, we have no influence on the duration of data storage. Alle Offerer geben an, sich an die DSGVO zu halten. Bitte informieren Sie sich bei den jeweiligen Offerern über deren genaue Datenspeicherdauer: Twitter - Datenschutz Facebook - Datenschutz
Legal basis
Legitimate interest, type.6 ABS.1 f GDPR
Specification of sources, § 63 UrhG
Start data processing
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Data transfer to third country
Yes, USA.