Digital vaccination pass: Create vaccination certificate yourself (test)

Digital vaccination pass: Create vaccination certificate yourself (test)

QR-Code-Generatoren gibt es unzählige im Internet. Kann man sich damit selbst ein Impfzertifikat für den digitalen Impfpass ausstellen? Wir haben es getestet.Digitaler Impfpass: Impfzertifikat selbst erstellen (Test)

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Hardly any topic seems to be interested in the German at the moment like the digital vaccination pass.If you look at the search trends on Google, there are also curious inquiries.Among other things, a lot of search engine users seem to be wondering whether the QR codes for the digital vaccination passport cannot simply be created yourself.

Source: Google Trends (Screenshot from 24.06.2021 at 8:06 a.m.)

Bietet sich hier also die Chance, sich seine Freiheitsrechte mit ein bisschen Trickserei zurückzuholen, ohne auf eine Impfung angewiesen zu sein? Ich habe es ausprobiert. Für den digitalen Impfpass benötigt man neben der Impfung zwei weitere Dinge:Digitaler Impfpass: Impfzertifikat selbst erstellen (Test)

The QR code that receives the vaccination data.

One of the three apps that can scan the QR code.

Downloading the apps is not the problem here.The QR code, on the other hand, can only be obtained where you were vaccinated or subsequently in participating pharmacies.But what if you simply create the QR code yourself?There are several free QR code generators on the Internet.I picked the first best from the search results, a tool called "Qrcode Monkey".

Damit lässt sich auswählen, was man in dem QR-Code hinterlegen möchte. Ich habe mich in diesem Fall für reinen Text entschieden, schließlich enthält der offizielle QR-Code laut Bundesgesundheitsministerium Informationen zum Impfstatus, den Namen des Geimpften, das Geburtsdatum sowie Impfstoff, Impfdatum und Impfdosis. Also habe ich die Daten für Max Mustermann in das Textfeld eingetragen und mir einen QR-Code erstellen lassen. Das sah dann so aus:Digitaler Impfpass: Impfzertifikat selbst erstellen (Test)

Source: QRCode Monkey (Screenshot from 24.06.2021 at 8:08 a.m.)

In the next step I tried to scan the generated code with the Corona Warn app and the Covpass app.The Corona Warn app was not enthusiastic about my self-made QR code.There I received the error message: “This QR code is not a valid vaccination certificate.(VC Prefix Invalid).

Source: Lukas Böhl

Und auch die CovPass-App konnte nichts mit dem Code anfangen.Digitaler Impfpass: Impfzertifikat selbst erstellen (Test)

Source: Lukas Böhl

The vaccination certificate cannot be created yourself

During the last error message, you can already get the answer to why this trick does not work: Only the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) can create the valid vaccination certificates.To do this, the exhibiting pharmacies, medical practices and vaccination centers use the RKI vaccination certificate service.In this system, the data of the vaccinated people are recorded and sent to a server of the RKI.There they are provided with an electronic signature that is cryptographically protected against manipulation and change.The data is only temporarily processed on the RKI server's RAM and then deleted again.The generated QR code can then be scanned with the respective apps, which means that the relevant information is stored locally on the smartphone.In the event of a check with the corresponding test app, the controlling person can understand the vaccination status.For this reason, it is also pointless to copy the QR code from others.Because when scanning with the test app, the data of the people to which the vaccination certificate has been issued are displayed.In combination with an ID document, the controlling ones can exclude fraud.

Lesen Sie jetzt weiter: Darf man sich während der Arbeitszeit vaccinate lassen?Digitaler Impfpass: Impfzertifikat selbst erstellen (Test)

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