Hello Jürgen, first of all a big thank you that there is still a current report on the internet and that in 2019 is a sensation for the Chrombooks, I'm just an observer and have been since the time when it was in Germany was introduced but I never bought something like that and as you can read it now that was a good thing.
As an Apple disciple, you don't miss anything and there are many who never think outside the box, so you're missing nothing and there are still no viruses. But since I cheated and bought a Surface Pro about 2 years ago because it offered more than an iPad Pro at the time (something has just changed due to iPadOS) because it was also possible to print via a printer with a USB connection and external ones Storage accessories could also be used on the Surface Pro, which was a better choice for me. There are certainly viruses, but so far I haven't noticed any. Since an anti-virus program is built into Windows 10, like the Mac, I haven't bought one and it looks like I don't need one either.
Of course, there are always strange experiences with Windows that Apple disciples don't understand that something like this can happen, e.g. a program starts in his mother tongue, although this hasn't been used regularly for a year and so on, otherwise I'm almost satisfied, but I'm at home with Apple.
At some point, however, my faithful companion, my Mac mini, will give up the ghost and then the question will arise how to proceed with my Surface Pro, because I can also connect this part to my TV set.
But what about Chromebooks? Can I use my photo collection on an external hard drive that is then formatted for ChromOS?
Do I need to save my Pages files in Word format so I can use them with a ChromOS word processor?
Can you also import images with such a word processing program for the ChromOS and crop them, change their size and add text to them? because all this is possible with Pages and even with Word.
Is there something like iMovie in ChromeOS?
So photo editing is possible, but is it possible to make photo montages and does this program also include the layer function?
Are there programs that you can paint with a pen like on the iPad Pro and the Surface Pro? Are there already Chromebooks like this?
Greetings Jacob