Read the content of a website in a targeted manner via Java

Read the content of a website in a targeted manner via Java

Hi, first of all: I am a beginner in programming, so it can happen that I am not aware of common solution methods for described problems.So just like to dig in.

Via Java gezielt Inhalte einer Webseite auslesen

Well, I would like to write a program with Java with which I have selected data from a certain page (and only for this page) and (later) prepared it in a GUI.For my first goal, it is enough to have the data in a text document first.I think since I have no SQL access to the databases that presented the page, I have to solve it almost "optically" or manually.(Is there a possibility here?) Title - Price - Date of Covering - Link/Referee now prepared page (to save me code): https: //*#!/Q/*/LIMIT/50/Order/ASC/Orderby/G: Pricedort I would like to get from 1., 2.and 3.Page have listed all product titles and mentioned, further information.My previous approach was the following: ------ I read the HTML code of the entire page (might save in a document between) and search for the day "Data-WT-Pli =" {"Product": "A 676182"," Product position ": X}" "Every product carries this product position day in Div on the one hand.In this div there is another div with the class: product_name.I would then get the title out of this.Furthermore, there is also a DIV with: Listing_Price Product Price__Container.From this I take the price.And the link in the respective class leaves the link.How do I look for these values within a text document?------- I now have my clues / anchors.But how do I get the respective values that like it?.Contains (Searchstring2)) {Abhier = Str.Indexof (search string) +1;} and then the value of the first value with €.Is my procedure totally wrong or am I on the right track?By clarifying this example, I would have to get the other information so far, so I ask for a "kick start" here

Furthermore: How do I get to the second page to perform the future algorithm again on this page?Thank you very much for reading best regards